Ministry and Technology

With building updates fresh in our minds, the whole of Holy Trinity is getting a software update! Why you ask?

  • Maybe the computers were jealous?

  • Maybe the our database was functioning fine, but they weren’t even selling it to new customers anymore?

  • Maybe we wanted to simply the ways in which we could draw down reports and streamline some communications?

  • Maybe we wanted to save a cash each month?

  • Maybe we wanted to update your user experience? Maybe we really wanted this?

  • Maybe we wanted to make sure that whatever we switched to would be as seamless as possible especially directly following setting our intentions for 2022?

We looked at a few databases that all have various kinds of bells and whistles, packages, etc. And we’re excited that ACS Technologies has a package for what we need. Not only is the price right, but they make it easy for us to upgrade. ACS is the parent company of for the database that we currently have so migrating data is going to be not only very secure but also painless! They’ll do a whole lot of sorting spreadsheet work for us.

The new database is called Realm. It will also improve functionality for HTLC's minsitry staff now and into the future.

Three features that has your Director of Operations excited:

  1. Pathways. Ever wonder how Pastor Mueller and Pastor Sevig keep track of it all? They’re incredible. We’re in a call process right now, however, and we’re looking to the future with hope. Pathways provide one way that we can help whomever we call to get up to speed and understand the practices that feel super ingrained to our community in a quick way that they can reference and we can all grow in together. We also are always keeping an eye towards the online community and are developing new practices of community care as we continue to navigate what it means to be one church with three sites. Pathways are great for staff because they’re about writing down a process so that we can all see it and share in the work.

  2. Profiles and Directories. Holy Trinity is great at getting photographs of new members added to our current database, but you better believe that there are a few that are distinctly out of date. Some kids haven’t just grown in inches but also in feet since we last updated their family’s photos. No shade, but it’s going to be exciting for our new staff to have updated photos as they’re putting names and faces together. Your name matters.

  3. Reports. Sure, this may not sound very sexy, but having an easy to use report generating system is an administrative dream. It’s all about ministry because it’s about people. It’s about making sure that we’re paying attention to the little details because those matter.

We're migrating next week beginning on the November 30. There will be a few days when we won't have access to the database.

When we're fully functioning again, you'll receive an invitation to "join our church." Please join. This will give you access to your own information.

Email Claire in the office if you have any questions. She genuinely loves this stuff (stuff being databases) and looks forward to finding the answers to any questions as she gets onboarded to the new software and onboards us all.